Rental Survey Question Title * 1. Which facility did you rent/use? Event Center only Event Center w/ kitchen Kitchen only Small Meeting Room Cockram Arena Rodeo Grounds Corner lot (Campbell/Grove) 5 Acre lot OK Question Title * 2. Overall, how satisfied were you with the facilities you rented? Very satisfied Satisfied Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied Dissatisfied Very dissatisfied Comments, Questions, or Concerns: OK Question Title * 3. How well did the facility meet your need/expectations? Exceeded expectations Met expectations Below expectations OK Question Title * 4. How would you rate the quality of the facility? Very high quality High quality Neither high nor low quality Low quality Very low quality Comments, Questions, or Concerns: OK Question Title * 5. How easy was it to make arrangements to rent the facility? Very easy Easy Neither easy nor difficult Difficult Very difficult Comments, Questions, or Concerns: OK Question Title * 6. Was the facility ready for your use (cleanliness, set-up, etc) Exceeded expectations Met expectations Below expectations Comments, Questions, or Concerns: OK Question Title * 7. How helpful was the staff in making arrangements, getting the facility ready, explaining the contract or usage rules? Extremely helpful Very helpful Somewhat helpful Not so helpful Not at all helpful Comments, Questions, or Concerns: OK Question Title * 8. How likely are you to use the facilities again? Very likely Likely Neither likely nor unlikely Unlikely Very unlikely Comments, Questions, or Concerns: OK Question Title * 9. How likely are you to recommend our facilites to others? Extremely likely Very likely Somewhat likely Not so likely Not at all likely Comments, Questions, or Concerns: OK Question Title * 10. How can we improve your rental experience? Comments, Questions, Concerns OK SUBMIT SURVEY