American History Literacy Survey 2012 Question Title 1. Who is the chief justice of the Supreme Court? John Boehner (Bay-Ner) John Roberts Sonia Sotomayor Sandra Day O'Connor Don't know OK Question Title 2. How long are terms for members of Congress? 6 years for senators, 2 years for representatives 4 years for senators, 4 years for representatives 4 years for senators, 2 years for representatives 4 years for senators, 6 years for representatives Don't know OK Question Title 3. Which of the following freedoms is NOT protected in the First Amendment? Freedom of speech Right to assembly Right to a speedy and public trial by an impartial jury Right to petition the government for redress of grievances Don't know OK Question Title 4. Who is Lady Gaga? A scientist A European novelist A musical performer A member of the British royal family Don't know OK Question Title 5. The Emancipation Proclamation issued by Lincoln stated that: Slavery was abolished in the Union Slaves were free in both the Unionand Confederate states. Slaves were free in areas of theConfederate states not held by the Union Slavery could continue nationwide, but buying or selling slaves was no longer legal Don't know OK Question Title 6. Which document established the division of powers between the states and the federal government? The Articles of Confederation The Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions The Marshall Plan The Constitution Don't know OK Question Title 7. Who was the American general at Yorktown? Robert E. Lee William T. Sherman Ulysses S. Grant George Washington Don't know OK Question Title 8. Who was the "Father of the Constitution"? John Adams James Madison Thomas Jefferson Benjamin Franklin Don't know OK Question Title 9. What was the source of the following phrase: "Government of the people, by the people, for the people"? Gettysburg Address Declaration of Independence U.S. Constitution George Washington's Farewell Address Don't know OK Question Title 10. The Battle of the Bulge occurred during: Revolutionary War The Civil War World War I World War II Don't know OK Question Title 11. Who said the phrase: "From each according to his ability, to each according to his need"? George Washington Barack Obama Karl Marx Adam Smith Don't know OK Question Title 12. In times of inflation... Money loses value Money gains value Prices go down The value of money stays the same Don't know OK Question Title 13. How does the payment of interest on a loan affect the total? It reduces the total due It may increase or decrease the total due depending on the interest rate It increases the total due It has no impact on the total Don't know OK Question Title 14. Profit is... Earnings minus assets Revenue minus expenses Cost minus revenue Assets minus liabilities Don't know OK Question Title 15. What does GDP stand for? General Domestic Production General Debt and Payables Gross Debt Payable Gross Domestic Product Don't know OK Question Title 16. What type of college did you attend? Public Private Ivy League Other OK Question Title 17. What type of degree did you receive? B.A. (Bachelor of Arts) B.S. (Bachelor of Science) Bachelor's degree (unspecified) Masters PhD (Doctorate) Other OK DONE