Participation Consent

33% of survey complete.

Thank you for participating in this Sauk Valley Community College survey. Sauk Valley Community College regularly collects survey data from its employees, students, former students, and community members as a way to improve services. We value your opinion.

The information you provide in this research project will either be collected anonymously or will be kept confidential. IP addresses are not collected during this survey process as a way to ensure complete confidentiality. Any report that is generated from this research will NOT include any information that will make it possible to identify you; all results will be reported only as group responses. All records are kept in a secure location accessible to only the SVCC researchers. When you are finished with the survey, your responses will be transmitted electronically to Sauk Valley Community College; it is important to note that while Sauk Valley Community College uses strict security protocols to ensure the confidentiality of your information (the same standards as used for online banking), it is possible, though unlikely, that the information could be intercepted by a third party.

Taking part in this research is completely voluntary and it will not negatively affect your relationship with Sauk Valley Community College in anyway.  You may withdraw from this research project at any time without consequence.

There will be no compensation for participating in this research unless clearly noted in the survey instructions.

If you complete and submit this survey, you are voluntarily consenting to participation in this Sauk Valley Community College survey and you are verifying that you understand your rights as a survey participant.

If you have any concerns or questions please contact Joe Strabala-Bright, the Director of Research and Planning at Sauk Valley Community College. or 815-835-6336