Love to hear your thoughts

The last 6 months have been such a journey and we, like so many businesses, have had to do lots of adjusting on the fly.

Now there is a little time to take a breath we would like to look at what is working, what might need polishing up.

You are always our best source of inspiration, so if you could take 2 mins to complete this simple check-in, it would really help us keep working on making Physiocise the best possible experience for you.

Thanks for helping us, help you

Melissa, Anna-Louise and the team

Question Title

* 1. Overall what combination of Physiocise do you find works best for you (you can choose more than one)

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* 2. How do you feel about technology generally?

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* 3. When it comes to the online classes which bits have you loved about this option (you can tick more than one)

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* 4. And which bits of the online class experience did you find most challenging (you can tick more than one)

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* 5. Your physios have done an enormous amount of work in the background keeping your classes connected and in touch through this period. Is there anything you would like to tell us about your physio and how you feel about them (you can let us know who you are talking about if you like)

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* 6. How likely is it that you would recommend Physiocise to a friend or colleague?

Not at all likely
Extremely likely

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* 7. We are always trying to be the best we can be, especially in these exceptional times. Is there anything else that you would like to comment on or suggest that might help us help you? You can let us know your name if you would like us to respond directly

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* 8. Which of these classes are you in this term? (you can tick more than one)

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* 9. How long have you been coming to Physiocise ?  (You may have had breaks in this period!)