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12% of survey complete.
The Queensland Centre for Mental Health Learning (Learning Centre) is committed to providing an even better online experience for you when accessing our training. We are seeking feedback about your experience using our online training system to help us improve what we do.
The Learning Centre introduced an updated system in July 2017 so you can enrol and access all eLearning, face-to-face and blended training in the one place. We want to hear your thoughts about how we can make our system more intuitive and even easier to use.
We have put together a short survey to collect your feedback that will take approximately 5 - 10 minutes to complete. Any feedback collected will be anonymous and confidential. Only aggregated data will appear in any potential publications and presentations.
If you require a response from  the Learning Centre about your experience, rather than complete this survey, please instead  email QCMHLIT@health.qld.gov.au or call (07) 3271 8837.

Thank you for your support!