Webinar 3- Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Managing Issues on the Continuum of Leave as a Reasonable Accommodation

Question Title

* 1. Please score the following:

  Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor
Overall rating
Audio quality
Ease of registration
Kate Mente
Tara H. O'Connor
Karen J. Petrulakis
Judy Rosen

Question Title


Question Title

* 3. I would like to see NACUA cover the following topics in the near future:

Question Title

* 4. If you are seeking CLE credit from Ohio, please enter contact information below:

Question Title

* 5. Optional Name and Contact Information: Thank you for completing the survey. We value your input. Where we have questions, we would like the opportunity to follow up with you. If you are willing to do so, please provide your name and email address.