Tell us how your organization is celebrating POP Month!

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* 1. First name

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* 2. Last name

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* 3. Email address

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* 4. Name of your organization

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* 5. Please include your organization's social media handles

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* 6. Organization address

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* 7. What type of POP Month activity are you planning?

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* 8. Date/time of activity


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* 9. Location of activity, if applicable

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* 10. What is your activity's main audience?

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* 11. Please share a brief description of your activity (100 words or less). See below for an example

EXAMPLE: [Organization] is using WhatIsPOP’s toolkits to plan a POP Month Shadowing Day in March. Students from nearby high schools and colleges are invited to meet with members of our staff and experience what goes into working in POP. We are also planning giveaways and would love to hand out WhatIsPOP branded materials. We plan to have a sign-up sheet for anyone interested in learning more about the POP profession. The event will be promoted on our organization’s social media channels. [Event Date].