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Protecting children's privacy when they are using websites, games or apps  can be tricky. The Australian Council on Children and the Media (ACCM) has developed some new resources that could be helpful to parents in this regard:
Your responses to this short survey will assist us in evaluating  these resources.

Question Title

* 1. When signing up for or using a new website, game or app, do you check what privacy provisions are in place for your children?

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* 2. When using a new website, game or app, how easy or difficult is it to find out what privacy protections are in place for your children?

very difficult moderate very easy

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* 3. With websites, games or apps for children, how confident are you that you know what to ask or look for that could protect your children's privacy?

not at all confident very confident

Question Title

* 4. How important do you think it is to protect your children's privacy when using digital devices?

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* 5. There are some laws and guidelines in Australia that set out to protect children's privacy.  How would you rate your knowledge of these?

very low moderate high

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* 6. Please tell us how effective you think these laws and guidelines are? Check  any responses that match your thinking.

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* 7. ACCM has developed some  free resources to help parents understand more about children's online privacy issues, and actions parents can take to better protect their children's privacy.   Have you had a look at these resources?

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* 8. If YES to question 7, ACCM would appreciate your responses to the following statements.

  mostly agree partly agree no opinion partly disagree mostly disagree
These resources have improved my knowledge of Australia's privacy law
ACCM's  resources have increased my determination to protect my children's online privacy
These resources have better equipped me to protect my children's online privacy
I found ACCM's resources easy to understand
I now want to see new laws introduced that specifically protect children's privacy online
I would recommend these resources to other parents

Question Title

* 9. Any other comments

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* 10. your postcode

0 of 10 answered