Organizational Information

To help the Nonprofit Sector coordinate responses to local and statewide COVID disruptions and to provide cohesive information and recommendations to donors and government – we are asking nonprofit leaders to fill out this survey by Wednesday March 25th.  It will take roughly 15 minutes to complete.  Please forward this to the person in your organization that can most accurately describe financial and mission impact, business continuity impact, response plans and capabilities, and key contacts for COVID related collaboration.

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* 1. Organization name

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* 2. Your Contact information

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* 5. What is your organization's staff size? (Please include all full-time and part-time employees.)

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* 6. What is the primary geography of services offered by your organization?

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* 7. Which of the following impacts has your organization experienced or do you anticipate experiencing as a result of COVID disruption? (Check all that apply, and/or share additional ways next to "Other")

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* 8. What is the estimated impact of the COVID disaster on your revenue now and best/worst case over the next 6-12 months? (Please enter whole numbers.)

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* 9. If your expenses will increase as a result of COVID response services - what is the estimated unplanned expense related impact to your budget over the next 3 months answer in whole numbers)?

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* 10. If your expenses will decrease as a result of COVID, what is the expected amount over the next 3 months? (please put in a whole number)

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* 11. Given your current financial situation and any responses (increase or decrease), how long do you feel you could continue operating without financial assistance?

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* 12. What has been the impact on staffing for your organization?

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* 13. If you have laid off staff, how many?

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* 14. Reserves

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* 15. If you have cut expenses other than employees please describe the category (supplies, technology, training, etc.).

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* 16. NEEDS: In the next two weeks, what are your greatest needs? (Please select option and use the comment box to provide detail.)

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* 17. My organization would be interested in working with peers on a local nonprofit specific task force to coordinate local response,  share relief-related information, activate around policy or influence actions for the nonprofits, interface with government or philanthropy to raise needs and coordinate resource access.

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* 18. To deliver programs, my organization works directly with or is funded by:

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* 19. Who is the best contact for relaying information to your agency about GA  or local nonprofit resources, information and response related to COVID funds, action alerts, needs, and information flow? Please list name, title and email for relevant areas in text boxes.

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* 20. Is your organization participating in a local COVID task force or coordinated response?  Please use comment box to describe the nature/scope of it & provide information for the key contact person for it.

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* 21. Are you aware of any local philanthropic funds set up for COVID response?  Please use comment box to describe.

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* 22. Are you aware of any local government response specifically for or involving nonprofits?  If so, please provide detail in comment box.

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* 23. As the relief funds for individuals are federally approved and move to states for distribution, we are mindful that awareness must equitably reach into all impacted communities.  Please describe your agency’s reach.

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* 24. If needed, how would your organization get the word out about available relief funds for individuals such as enhanced unemployment/pay-preservation, small business/nonprofit loans or operating grants, etc.?  (Example, an arts organization might have the ability to reach its typical audiences, a school or mentoring agency may have the ability to reach parents.)

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* 25. Anything else your organization needs GCN to know?

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* 26. What, if anything, does your nonprofit need (information, skills, capability,etc.) aside from money (which we understand!) to navigate this crisis.