Assalaam u alaikum.

We are pleased to offer you an unprecedented event called "Finding The One". Its will be transformational inshaALLAH. 

This is NOT a dating event
This is NOT a matchmaking event

This is a unique training program that supports you and helps you in breaking through the barriers that have kept you single.

If you are looking for a spouse, whether you are a brother or a sister, I invite you to attend.

Because of limited spaces, not everyone who applies will be accepted

If you are interested, please do the following:
1.) Fill out the application as thoroughly as possible
2.) If you are chosen, we will send you the link to purchase the tickets to the event. (Please note this is a non profit event)

What are the benefits of attending this event? You will learn to:

- Unhook your past beliefs that are keeping you single
- Increase your confidence and self-esteem
- Figure out what you want in a spouse
- Create your dream dua
- Position yourself for the meetings and then marriage inshaALLAH

I hope to see you at the event.

Salaams, Fatima

PS> You must live in the UK to attend the event AND you must ANSWER ALL the questions to qualify


Question Title

* 1. Name and Address

Question Title

* 2. Marital Status

Question Title

* 3. What are the TOP 3 things you are expecting to gain from attending the “Finding The One” Live Event?

Question Title

* 4. What are the TOP 3 reasons / obstacles that have held you back from getting married?

Question Title

* 5. What methods have you tried in the past to get married?

Question Title

* 6. What’s worked? ( that you thought got you a little closer to getting married )

Question Title

* 7. What hasn’t worked? And why do you feel it didn’t work?

Question Title

* 8. Thank you and JazkaALLAH hu khairan for your interest in attending “Finding The One” Live Event

Considering the number of entries we are receiving, InshaALLAH we will be in touch to let you know if you were chosen.

The dates are July 30th and July 31st, 2016 in London UK

Salaam, Fatima Omar Khamissa

PS>>>Anything else you like to add??