Participant Information Sheet

Dear Participant,
Thank you for your interest in our research project. This letter will provide you with further information on the nature and purpose of the research, along with answers to some of the questions you may like to ask. Please take the time to read this information carefully and discuss it with others if you wish. If anything is unclear, or you feel you need any additional information, feel free to ask us using the details below. Participation in the study is voluntary and participants are free to withdraw at any time without providing a reason.
Principle investigator Lee-Anne Oliver The Fold Farm Vets LTD, Hexham NE46 3SG 01434 239444
Supervised by Pip Nicholas- Davies Aber Aberystwyth University
Study title - A study to identify and compare the breeding objectives of cow-calf units and the wants of beef finishers in the UK beef supply chain and to identify routes of communication through the UK beef supply chain to and from producers and processors and how they can be improved.
What is the purpose of the study?
This study has two aims. Firstly, to collect information from farmers about the breeding objectives on their individual farms, and why those choices were made. Secondly, to gather information on how producers and processors in the UK beef supply chain communicate with each other, and how that can be improved.
Why is it important?
Improving understanding and communication in the UK beef supply chain will facilitate new ideas to be implemented successfully and efficiently. If all participants in the supply chain can understand each other’s requirements, and they are considered and respected, then the UK beef supply chain can be more efficient in delivering a high quality product for the consumer, with more financial reward for all.
What it will the information be used for in the future?
The information will remain anonymous but be collated and presented to the beef industry in articles and presentations.
Who should complete this questionnaire?
We are looking for cow-calf producers or finishers to compete this questionnaire.
Cow - calf producers (breeders) – these are farmers where all or part of their enterprise involves breeding beef cattle that are sold to store cattle farmers or finishers.
Finishers – these are farmers that fatten animals, take them to the point of slaughter and sell them to a processor.
Store cattle farmers and dairy beef producers are not included in this study.
What do I have to do?
Complete this questionnaire, which will take approximately 10 minutes. There is no adverse risk to completing this questionnaire – your information will not be shared with others and all responses will be reported anonymously. The data will be held on a secure One Drive account on the University of Aberystwyth University server. After completing the questionnaire there is a period of 30 days where you are able to request that your data is not used, after this time it is not possible to separate the data from the study. All paper copies will be destroyed as soon as the data has been entered electronically.
By completing the questionnaire, you will be providing information that will contribute to the development and future integrity of the UK beef supply chain. You can leave the study at any time without providing a reason.
Thank you for taking to take the time to read this Participant Information Sheet.