Public Survey

Over the past several months, local officials, PennDOT, and transportation planners/engineers have identified and vetted a series of interchange alternatives to improve known congestion and safety issues within the study area in the near and long term. Coming out of these discussions are two alternatives that the project team believes provides the best balance of enhanced mobility and safety.
Please take a few minutes to learn more about these two alternatives and offer any feedback you may have.

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Alternative 1 is defined by a connector road, linking York Road (PA 74) and Trindle Road (PA 641), and would connect the I-81 southbound ramps at Exits 48 and 49. Currently, Fairfield Street, Fairview Street, and Westminster Drive accommodate the demand for travel between these two corridors. This alternative would provide a more efficient connection between PA 27 and PA 641 at a relatively low-cost. 

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Alternative 2 features the construction of a northbound I-81 off-ramp to Trindle Road and an on-ramp from Trindle Road to I-81 southbound. PA 641 carries more regional traffic than PA 74 and features more businesses and higher residential densities. Introducing more traffic onto PA 641 will exacerbate existing traffic issues, especially if signalizing the ramp intersections given their proximity to the Army Heritage Drive signalized intersection (~650 feet). While traffic volumes may increase, it is anticipated that the net impact of the Alternative 2 interchange configuration to the study area will be positive.

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* 1. Based on what you have learned, how would you rate Alternative 1: Connector Road between PA 641 and PA 74 as an option for improving traffic and safety?

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* 2. Based on what you have learned, how would you rate Alternative 2: Exit 49 Full Interchange as an option for improving traffic and safety?

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* 3. Are there any other recommendations or thoughts for consideration to be included in the Exits 48/49 Transportation Study?

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* 4. Which municipality do you live in?