This Month's Survey Information

Topic Area: Business Administration Core Standards
This month's survey covers a selection of skill statements across several instructional areas of the Business Administration (BA) Core Standards. The BA Core covers skills that are common across all career clusters in business and marketing.

Time Commitment (3-5 mins)
The survey has 18 skills statements to validate and will take only 3+ minutes to complete.

Validation Process
In the survey, you will indicate the necessity of each skill for success at some career level (ranging from entry level, to executive level) within your occupational field. 

You will validate each skill statement by choosing one of the following options:
  • Critical--this skill is essential for success at some career level within my field
  • Recommended--this skill is important or nice-to-know for success at some career level within my field
  • Not needed--this skill is not important for success at any career level within my field
Add comments as needed after any answer to provide context.

Thank you,
Stephanie King

Director of Business Engagement
MBA Research and Curriculum Center 
14% of survey complete.