Your application will not be considered complete until you have also submitted the following documents to <>
-Your UNM transcript (or permission for us to access it)
-Writing Sample
-Recommendation from a professor. Ask your recommender to describe the quality of your academic work, your ability to work independently, and your aptitude for working with community partners. This can be just a paragraph or two in an email addressed to Audrey Cooper

To see more information on this fellowship, click here.

Question Title

* 1. Contact Info

Question Title

* 2. Please describe (i) what you expect to gain from the fellowship as a student, (ii) how it fits with your career goals, (iii) how doing evaluation with non-profits links with your past experience, if at all (ok if it is a new interest!), (iv) how will you balance your expected workload with the two-semester course/6 credits.

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* 3. Expected registration status for 2025-2026 AY

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* 7. This is a 2 semester, 6 credit academic course as well as a community or government based experience opportunity. By selecting yes, you are acknowledging that you understand this.

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* 8. The Fellowship requires that you have completed a Statistics or Social Sciences Methods course with a B or higher grade. List your statistics and methods courses, when you took them and what grade you earned.
Please include the course number(s) and name(s).

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* 9. Guardian 1 Educational Attainment:

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* 10. Guardian 2 Educational Attainment:

Question Title

* 11. I identify as

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* 12. Where did you go to high school?

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* 13. Describe your ties to communities in New Mexico. If you have any non-profit organization work experience, please describe here as well.

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* 14. Anything else you'd like us to know?

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* 15. If selected into the Evaluation Lab fellowship program, may we contact you post fellowship to conduct alumni evaluations? If yes, please provide a non-UMM email address.