Eureka, we need your input! The Community Services Department is embarking on a community-driven effort to continue to develop our Recreation programs. The City of Eureka's Recreation Division is proud to provide quality recreational events and programs for the community and needs your feedback to inform how we can maintain, renovate, and add to our current programs. The results of this survey will guide our staff on how to better serve the community. This survey can be taken individually, collectively as a family or with friends. Thank you for your time, we are so excited to hear from you!

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* 1. Where do you live?

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* 2. What day(s) would you be interested in attending recreation events and programs? Select all that apply.

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* 3. What are your preferred times to attend recreation events and programs during the week? Please rank the options with 1 being your most preferred and 5 being least preferred.

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* 4. What are your preferred times to attend recreation events and programs during the weekend? Please rank the options with 1 being your most preferred and 5 being least preferred.

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* 5. Where would you like to attend recreation events and programs? Select all City of Eureka facilities that apply.

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* 6. Are there any recreation facilities you would like to see added to the long term plan for Eureka? Select all that apply.

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* 7. How do you find out about Eureka Recreation events and programs? Check all that apply.

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* 8. If you find out about Eureka Recreation classes and events through physical flyers, where have you seen those flyers?

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* 9. Are there any barriers you have to participating in or attending Eureka Recreation events or programs? Select all that apply.

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* 10. Please share any suggestions on how Eureka Recreation can address barriers to participation.

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* 11. The Eureka Recreation Division is striving to develop more inclusive opportunities for the community. Please share any program ideas as to how the Eureka Recreation Division can expand and incorporate more opportunities for all genders, races, ethnicities, cultures, abilities and ages.