Family Caregiver Alliance Service and Supports Provider Assessment
Community Assessment
Dear Service or Supports Provider:
My name is Tracy Palazzotto and I am the Founder of the Family Caregiver Alliance.
The Family Caregiver Alliance (FCA) is a group of caregivers raising children who have a mental health diagnosis and/or behavioral challenges. We began in December of 2017 with the goal of developing family voice and system change in Erie County. Our mission is to educate, empower and inform caregivers of children with mental health, behavioral or emotional challenges.
The purpose of this survey is to gather information from providers regarding the services and supports that are offered to children and their families throughout Erie County.
Your feedback will allow us to:
Assess how providers address the needs of parents/ caregivers raising a child/children with mental health issues
Identify the gaps, needs and available services /supports
Review and evaluate family support services that already exist in Erie County
Benefits of Participation:
When providers who offer services and supports to children and their families collaborate and share information, we create a coordinated system of care in which there is limited confusion and better treatment outcomes and engagement.
Since providers interface with children and their families daily, you have a lot of insight on some of the barriers and strengths that exist, and we want to know what those are.
We do not ask for your name, agency, or any other identifying information. All responses received will be aggregated in the final report, which will be made available to all providers.
If you are interested in learning more, receiving a copy of the final report, or participating in a focus group, contact me via phone at 814-580-9033, email me at, or follow us on Facebook @Familycaregiverallianceofpa
This survey will take approximately 10 minutes to complete. It is available via web or paper form (when requested). It is appropriate for any:
Direct care staff
Supervisor of a program which offers services or supports to children and their families
Administrator of an agency which provides services and supports to children and their families
We appreciate your time and willingness to participate.
Tracy Palazzotto & the Family Caregiver Alliance
If you do not feel you are the correct person from your agency to answer the survey questions, please stop and pass the survey along to the appropriate person.
If there is a question that you do not feel comfortable answering, please choose the “decline” option.
If you do not know the answer to a question, please choose the “unsure” option.