We are dedicated to enhancing the quality of our services.  We are requesting that you please take a few minutes to complete this survey.  Your responses will help us to rate the quality of our services and to make improvements to our services. 

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* 1. Please check off if you were the person whom received services or the guardian/caretaker of the person.

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* 2. Which agency program(s) are you or your child currently in and/or were in (check off all that apply):

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* 3. How long have or did you or your child receive services from the agency?

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* 4. Information about the program/services was explained in a way that was easy to understand?

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* 5. I knew who to go to if I had a complaint?

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* 6. Agency staff treated me/us with respect?

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* 7. Agency staff appeared to appreciate my/our cultural-ethnic background?

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* 8. Agency staff appeared to appreciate my/my child's identity including, as applicable, sexual identity/orientation?

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* 9. I helped choose my or my child/youth's treatment goals?

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* 10. The location of services is easy to get to?

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* 11. The program services are physically accessible?

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* 12. The program services are/were available at times that were easy for me to attend or participate?

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* 13. Overall, I am satisfied with the services provided/received?

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* 14. Services helped me and/or my child more effectively manage concerns or issues.

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* 15. Do you feel you have the necessary resources and/or supports currently to maintain the gains you or your child achieved?

If you answered no to the above question, please feel free to call 909-596-5921, extension 3511 or 3500 for assistance.

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* 16. If you were in either the residential, THP Plus/THP Plus F/C, or Foster Care program; after leaving the program did you go to live at the setting of your choice?

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* 17. In what way did services help you/your child?

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* 18. Is there anything the agency can do to make it easier for you to access or use our services?

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* 19. Based on your experience, how can we improve the services provided by David & Margaret?

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* 20. Please share any additional comments or suggestions here?