2021-2022 Smile Survey (ENGLISH)

Dear Parent/Guardian, please answer these optional questions to help improve dental services. Answers are private.
1.Since the COVID pandemic started, has it been hard for your child to see a dentist? (Please check all that apply.)
2.Besides COVID-19 related reasons, was it ever hard for your child to see a dentist? (Please check all that apply.)
3.Has your child ever received any of the following oral health services? (Please check all that apply.)
4.Has your child ever received any of the following? (Please check all that apply.)
5.Does your child have any current dental need? (Please check all that apply.)
6.Do you currently have any kind of insurance that pays for any of your child's dental care? (Please check all that apply)
7.How long has it been since your child last visited a dentist or a dental clinic for any reason? (Please check all that apply.)
8.Before kindergarten, where did your child receive child care? (Please check all that apply.)
9.When your child was 2 or 3 years old, where did they go to the pediatrician? (Please check all that apply.)
10.Does your family attend any events hosted by, or receive services from, community organizations? (Please check all that apply.)
11.Which of the following describes your child?
Current Progress,
0 of 11 answered