Complete the sign up form below and let us know how you’d like to get involved in our work! You can sign up for specific engagement opportunities, or share your ideas on how we can work together.

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* Demographics and contact information

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* Do you belong to your provincial pharmacy association?

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* Do you belong to any other pharmacy associations?

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* Meetings with governments and stakeholders: We regularly meet with federal MPs to discuss the important role of pharmacy in our communities and a range of more specific topics and issues. We are always seeking passionate pharmacists to include in these meetings. Would you like to participate in a stakeholder meeting if one is arranged in your riding?

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* Speaking opportunities: We regularly host discussion panels and educational webinars and are often seeking front-line pharmacists to provide their perspectives. We are also always looking for new and engaging speakers for our national conference. Are you interested in discussing speaking opportunities?

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* Do you have any other thoughts to share or ways you’d like to engage with us?