About this Brief Survey

Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI) has commissioned a project team to develop Statutory Quality Assurance Guidelines on Work-Integrated Learning in Ireland.

As an employer that engages with an education provider to provide work-integrated learning experiences for learners (e.g. apprenticeships, placements, internships, project briefs or other interactions), your perspective is very important to the successful completion of this project.

There are 10 questions in this survey, most of which use a menu of answer options to save you time. Space is provided for you to comment further if desired.

Thank you for your contribution to this important project.

Privacy Statement for Survey Participants
Thank you for participating in the Employer Perspectives on Work-integrated Learning in Ireland survey.

We are committed to protecting your personal data and respecting your privacy. Personal data is defined as any details that will enable you to be identified, such as name, email address etc. We would request that you do not identify yourself or any other person in the open-ended questions. However, any personal data obtained through your participation in this survey will be fully protected. All data processed as part of this survey is handled in full compliance with current data protection legislation including, but not limited to, EU Regulation 2016/679 General Data Protection Regulation ("GDPR").

Your individual responses will not be available to anyone other than authorised staff at ThreeSixtyInsights. Only aggregate reports of survey responses (and focus group inputs) will be shared with QQI and other relevant parties for consultation. We will not report any sample sizes that are less than 10 to support confidentiality.

Your participation is voluntary. You are entitled to ask that part, or all, of the record of your involvement in the survey be deleted or destroyed. If you have any questions, please email info@threesixtyinsights.ie