Fort McMurray Wood Buffalo
Welcome, and thank you for choosing to provide input into the Workforce Development Strategy for the Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo!
As part of ongoing efforts to support our local businesses and residents, Fort McMurray Wood Buffalo Economic Development & Tourism (FMWBEDT), in partnership with the Regional Labour Market Committee, is undertaking a Workforce Development Strategy to understand the needs of job seekers and businesses within the urban, rural and Indigenous communities. This new Strategy will create a clear, actionable, and comprehensive direction for FMWBEDT. The plan will help our team to respond to changing market conditions, address unique local challenges, and identify future opportunities.
Gathering input from local stakeholders is an essential part of the project and as a valued member of the community, we would appreciate your participation.
The purpose of this online survey is to gather data on the current labour market conditions that will feed into the development of the strategy.
The questions in the survey will explore gaps and opportunities related to:
Gathering input from local stakeholders is an essential part of the project and as a valued member of the community, we would appreciate your participation.
The purpose of this online survey is to gather data on the current labour market conditions that will feed into the development of the strategy.
The questions in the survey will explore gaps and opportunities related to:
· Current skills demand and supply;
· Future skills demand;
· Qualifications/certification that are hard to find;
· Supply and demand for skills development and training programs, and;
· Perceptions on local resources that support the workforce (i.e. broadband, housing, transportation, childcare services, career development opportunities, etc.).
**Your responses are confidential and will be combined with other respondents' so that no one will be identified in the final report.
This survey should only take you approximately 10 minutes!