Question Title

* 1. Name

Question Title

* 6. Please rank the initiatives of the plan presented on page 2 of the prospectus you believe to be most important (1 most important, 4 least important)

  1 2 3 4
Mooring Line Drive and Emmanuel Community Church
Emmanuel Park Church/Park
Emmanuel Academies
General endowment

Question Title

* 7. Of all the projects mentioned, which are the three that excite you the most (please choose only 3)

  1 2 3
Mooring Line Drive—Welcome and Hospitality Area
Mooring Line Drive—Sanctuary renovation
Mooring Line Drive—Fellowship Hall renovation and updating
Mooring Line Drive—Media Studio
Emmanuel Church and Park—New Programs
Emmanuel Church and Park—Community Hall
Emmanuel Church and Park—additional infrastructure
Emmanuel Academies—operational funding
Emmanuel Academies—scholarships
Emmanuel Academies—Spanish language MDiv
Emmanuel Academies—endowed faculty chairs
General Endowment

Question Title

* 8. What excites you the most about this effort?

Question Title

* 10. Who are some members of Emmanuel that you suggest be involved in this campaign if it is to be successful?