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The Irish Benevolent Society of BC (IBSBC) has been helping Irish families and individuals in Metro Vancouver in need of emergency assistance for over 25 years.

If you are Irish and need emergency assistance, reach out. Applications are welcome from all sectors of the Irish community within BC and can be made by completing this form. We can also provide information on other community resources which might be available to you. All applications are confidential and you will be contacted to verify your information.

This initiative has been generously funded by local Irish community members who have donated directly to the Society and/or supported local fundraising activities. 

For more information on this program, contact

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* 1. Name

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* 2. Email Address

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* 3. Address

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* 4. Can you briefly tell us why you are applying to the Irish Benevolent Society of BC for help?

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* 5. As the Irish Benevolent Society is financially supported by donations from the Irish community and/or grants from the Irish Government, you must have Irish Heritage in order to be considered for Emergency Assistance.  Please tell us your connection with Ireland. 

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* 6. How many adults and children in your household?

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* 7. How long have you been in Canada?

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* 8. Are you aware of the I/CAN website which provides support for the Irish community across Canada?  You will find up to date information on employment, benefits and other resources to help get through this time.

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* 9. Are you aware of the website (or phone 211) which provides advice for all BC residents on resourcing social services in their community in BC?

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* 10. Please enter your phone number again

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