Elyria Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Survey Question Title * 1. Do you live or work in Elyria Rent primary housing in Elyria Own a primary residence in Elyria Work in Elyria Own commercial property / rental property in Elyria If more than one above answer applies, please note additional answers here: None of the above Question Title * 2. What race do you identify with? White Black or African American Asian or Asian American American Indian or Alaska Native Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander Bi-racial or multi-racial Other Prefer not to answer Question Title * 3. Do you identify as Hispanic or Latino? Yes No Question Title * 4. What is your age? 18-29 years old 30-39 years old 40-49 years old 50-61 years old 62-74 years old 75 years or older Question Title * 5. How do you identify? Male Female Other Prefer not to answer Question Title * 6. Have you ever served in any branch of the United States military? Yes No Question Title * 7. Are you a person living with a disability? Yes No Question Title * 8. Do you have internet at your place of residence? Yes No If yes, please specify provider Question Title * 9. What is your annual household income? 1 person household - $54,450 or less 1 person household - $54,451 or more 2 person household - $62,200 or less 2 person household - $62,201 or more 3 person household - $70,000 or less 3 person household - $70,001 or more 4 person household - $77,750 or less 4 person household - $77,751 or more 5 person household - $84,000 or less 5 person household - $84,001 or more 6 person household - $90,200 or less 6 person household - $90,201 or more 7 person household - $96,450 or less 7 person household - $96,451 or more 8 person household - $102.650 or less 8 person household - $102,651 or more Question Title * 10. What do you feel are the greatest housing needs in Elyria? Question Title * 11. Including special services, community facilities, and infrastructure, what do you believe are the greatest non-housing needs in Elyria? Question Title * 12. Are you aware of the basic fair housing requirements (which prohibit discrimination in buying, selling, renting or lending based on race, color, religion, sex, disability, nationality or familial status)? Yes No Question Title * 13. Do you believe that housing discrimination is an issue in Elyria? Yes No If yes, please explain Question Title * 14. Have you ever experienced housing discrimination? (select all that apply) Yes I have I think I may have No I have not Yes, I know someone who has I think I may know someone who has No, I don't know anyone who has I don't know If "yes I have", please explain Question Title * 15. If you believe or think that you or someone you know encountered housing discrimination, please indicate all of the following that apply. Housing provider refused to rent or deal with a person Housing provider falsely denied that housing was available Housing provider refused to make reasonable accommodations for a tenant with one or more disabilities Housing provider used discriminatory advertising Real estate agent refused to sell or deal with a person Real estate agent directed people to certain neighborhoods Housing mortgage lender discriminated by denying mortgage Housing lender directed people to certain neighborhoods Different terms and conditions were provided for renting based on race of the tenant Other (please specify) Question Title * 16. On what basis do you believe you or someone you know was discriminated against (select all that apply) Race or ethnicity Color Religion Disability Gender Family status (single, divorced, children, expecting a child) Sexual orientaion National origin Don't know Not Applicable Other (please specify) Question Title * 17. If you believe you have been subjected to discrimination, have you reported the incident? Yes No Not applicable Question Title * 18. If "no" to the above question, please select all reasons that apply Do not know where to report Afraid of retaliation Too much trouble Do not believe it would make a difference Not applicable Other (please specify) Next