Spend your weekends with representative from overseas universities/colleges

Please complete the following form to register the session!
(Use your active Email and Whatsapp number to get the confirmation)!

Question Title

* 1. Personal Information

Question Title

* 2. Tempat Lahir | Place of Birth (Student)

Question Title

* 3. Tanggal Lahir | Date of Birth (Student)


Question Title

* 5. Detail Pendidikan | Student Education Detail

Question Title

* 7. Negara Tujuan | Country Destination

Question Title

* 8. Tingkat Pendidikan Tujuan | Program Interested

Question Title

* 9. Bidang studi yang ingin diambil | Major Interested

Question Title

* 10. Mengetahui acara ini dari | How do you know this event

Question Title

* 11. Sesi yang dipilih | Which session you choose