Let your voice be heard!

Under healthcare reform, more than one million Californians will become eligible for Medi-Cal in 2014. To meet this increase in enrollment, we must improve the quality and efficiency of our eligibility system.

As an eligibility worker, your input is critical for any improvements to be successful. Let your voice be heard! Please fill out this short survey to help reshape the future of our eligibility system.

Surveys will be tabulated and provided to key stakeholders as we move ahead in this process. Asterisks (*) denote required fields.

Question Title

* First name

Question Title

* Last name

Question Title

* County of employment

Question Title

* Job Title

Question Title

* Program you administer

Question Title

* 1. In your opinion what are the main obstacles in managing an increase in client enrollment? (Check all that apply)

Question Title

* For the question above, do you have any comments?

Question Title

* 2. What type of outreach and community education is needed to manage an increase in enrollment? (Check all that applies)

Question Title

* For the question above, do you have any comments?

Question Title

* 3. What groups of clients are MOST likely to apply for benefits in person (not through Internet or phone)? (Check all that applies)

Question Title

* For the question above, do you have any comments?

Question Title

* 4. What groups of clients are LEAST likely to apply for benefits in person, but will prefer to enroll through Internet or phone? (Check all that applies)

Question Title

* For the question above, do you have any comments?

Question Title

* 5. What steps can we take to overcome obstacles and ensure a maximum enrollment and retention of clients? (Check all that applies)

Question Title

* For the question above, do you have any comments?

Question Title

* 6. Should community groups play a role in enrolling eligible clients in 2014?

Question Title

* If yes, how should they be involved? (Check all that applies)

Question Title

* For the question above, do you have any comments?

Question Title

* 7. Should counties play a role in enrolling eligible clients in 2014?

Question Title

* If yes, how should they be involved? (Check all that applies)

Question Title

* For the question above, do you have any comments?

Question Title

* 8. Should labor unions play a role in enrolling newly eligible clients in 2014?

Question Title

* If yes, how should they be involved? (Check all that applies)

Question Title

* For the question above, do you have any comments?

Question Title

* 9. How can the county work with community groups and clinics to increase enrollment?

Question Title

* 10. How should the success of the eligibility system be measured and reported?

Question Title

* 11. What support do eligibility workers in your county need to succeed in enrolling and retaining clients?

Question Title

* 12. Other comments or ideas on how to improve our eligibility system to be more efficient: