Question Title

* 1. Do you live within the Elgin Park area? (within 500 metres or a 10-minute walk)

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* 2. Do you or your members of your household require or use accessible devices and facilities?

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* 3. How would you describe the makeup of your household? (select all that apply)

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* 4. How often do you currently use the park you indicated above?

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* 5. Would having access to playground equipment in this park change your frequency of visits?

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* 6. Do you walk through the park to access either Sidney Street or Elgin Street?

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* 7. Would a trail between Sidney Street and Elgin Street make walking through the park easier?

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* 8. If a parking lot was constructed off Elgin Street, would your household use it?

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* 9. Would a fence be important to enclose the playground in this location for added safety from the traffic on Sidney Street?

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* 10. With the addition of play structures for toddlers, children and youth, please indicate the mode of transportation you would use to get to this park location (select all that apply)

Question Title

* 11. In your opinion, what is the importance of the following park and play space features? (select one for each item)

  Not Important Somewhat Important Very Important
Benches / Tables
Rope Climbers
Structure Climbers Attached to Other Elements
Elevated Platforms
Balance Beams
Exercise Equipment

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* 12. Select which has a higher priority

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* 13. When you think of the park and a new play structure, do you envision a theme to the playground?