Electrify Your Fleet Application |
Applicant Information
Please note this is a preliminary application and that submission of this form does not guarantee grant funding will be awarded. After submitting your application, you will receive a confirmation email from AOT.climate@vermont.gov with next steps.
You must wait until your application is fully approved before you may purchase your electric fleet vehicle to be eligible for an Electrify Your Fleet incentive reimbursement payment.
If your application is approved, this information will be used to draft the grant agreement. Please ensure the information in all fields is accurate and error-free.
You may preview the entire application in this read-only PDF: ElectrifyYourFleetApplicationPreviewPDF.pdf (vermont.gov)
You must complete this online application to be considered for funding.
For more information, Electrify Your Fleet Program Guidelines can be found on the Agency of Transportation website.
Questions with an asterisk (*) are required and must be answered to complete the application.
If you are a non-English speaker and need translation assistance, please email AOT.climate@vermont.gov to be connected with State-contracted translation and interpretation services. Share your name, phone number, and email address so we can contact you with a translator on the line.