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The City of El Monte is developing a Streetscape Beautification Masterplan to create streetscape design standards for the City. Help us by sharing your feedback about what a “beautiful” street means to you and share how we can reflect El Monte’s history and culture through these guidelines. This is a planning-level effort and is not associated with a construction project.

The term “Streetscape” means elements like:

1. Lighting

2. Sidewalk/paving materials

3. Street trees and landscape

4. Sidewalk furnishings (benches, trash cans, bike racks, etc.)

5. Signage and wayfinding (to help navigate to destinations and mark districts)

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* 1. What does a ‘beautiful street' mean to you? (Choose the top 4 most important)

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* 2. Are there any other possible improvement ideas you'd like to share?

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* 3. How would you best describe your relationship to El Monte? (check all that apply)

This Plan will provide design guidance for several different street types. What design considerations do you think are most important for each of the street types that follow?

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* 4. What improvements do you want to see for commercial areas or districts with shopping (like Main Street, Valley Mall Boulevard) (choose top 4)

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* 5. Are there any other possible improvement ideas for commercial areas or districts for shopping you'd like to share?

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* 6. What improvements do you want to see for streets with bus service? (like Garvey Avenue, Peck Road, Valley Mall Blvd) (choose top 4)

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* 7. Are there any other possible improvement ideas for streets with bus service you'd like to share?

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* 8. What improvements do you want to see for streets with existing or planned bike facilities? (like Central Avenue at Fern Street, Tyler Avenue) (choose top 4)

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* 9. Are there any other possible improvement ideas for streets with existing or planned bike facilities you'd like to share?

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* 10. What improvements do you want to see for streets near schools and parks? (like Mildred Street, Klingerman Street, and Killian Street) (choose top 4)

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* 11. Are there any other possible improvement ideas for streets near schools and parks you'd like to share?

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* 12. What improvements do you want to see along residential streets?(like Cypress Avenue, Bryant Avenue) (choose top 4)

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* 13. Are there any other possible improvement ideas along residential streets you'd like to share?

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* 14. What improvements do you want to see along “pedestrian paseos,” alleys and pedestrian-only passages (like Palm Court at Main Street) (choose top 4)

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* 15. Are there any other possible improvement ideas along “pedestrian paseos,” alleys and pedestrian-only passages you'd like to share?

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* 16. Are there any other street types in the City you think we should focus on?

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* 17. What goals do you think should guide this plan? Rank from most important to least:

  1. Use materials that are cohesive, thoughtful, and consistent
  2. Reflect a sense of place and context: community history and pride
  3. Create streetscapes that are easy to maintain
  4. Enhance safety for people walking, biking, and waiting for transit
  5. Incorporate green and sustainable solutions

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* 18. Are there any other goals you think should guide this plan?

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* 19. Are there any other comments you have about this project?

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* 20. How do you usually get around El Monte? (check all that apply)

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* 21. What is your address or zip code?

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* 22. Gender?

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* 23. Age?

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* 24. How did you find out about this survey?

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* 25. If you would like to stay informed about this project please enter your contact details

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