Introduction and Club Details

You may be aware that last year the Wireless Institute of Australia formed an Education Committee to review the syllabi for all grades of qualification required to gain operating privileges under the new Class Licence. That work has been completed as a series of Educational Frameworks. We hope these
will form the basis of a review of amateur radio syllabi by the ACMA at some future time.

With the change to a Class Licence system, it is also an obvious time to review how the WIA might support affiliated clubs with their training programs or to begin a new training program. We recognise that not all radio clubs are the same; some have a broad spectrum of experience and resources and others may benefit from some assistance.

Therefore, we are reaching out to gauge how the WIA can best assist your affiliated club in its training activities, and the level of support we might provide. We also want to explore how affiliated clubs can share effective educational information with other affiliated clubs, such as presentation material etc.

Not all clubs provide training for new amateurs, so we are also developing training materials for existing amateurs and those wishing to upgrade.

We need your help. Attached is a short questionnaire asking for feedback about your club's educational activities, and your suggestions.

You can complete the online survey at any time or request a PDF by email to:

You can also view some of our new educational material at

Thank you, for your commitment to amateur radio education.
Amanda Hawes, VK1AH/VK1WX.
Chair/Secretary WIA Education Committee,
ACMA Accredited Assessor

Question Title

* 1. Name of your Club