Indoor Navigation Feature Survey |
This survey has eight questions about features for a wearable indoor navigation system being developed by Echobatix. It should take you 4 to 13 minutes to complete the survey depending on the length of comments you write, because that was the range of time needed by blind members of our team.
Echobatix will be offering exciting features beyond those mentioned in this survey, but we need your feedback to know what features to deliver first, and in what order. If you provide your email address at the end, we will send you the survey results within one week of the time you submit your responses.
The questions at the beginning of the survey ask you to choose the top two features from a list of five features. The fifth option allows you to fill in the blank with up to 100 characters, which is about twenty words at most.
Please pick the one or two features you'd be most eager to use daily.
Let's begin the survey of key features!