Staveley Community Ebike Share Scheme - RESIDENT Survey March 2023

We are interested in feedback from residents - a short survey, with prize draw!

Staveley now has it’s very own shared ebike scheme, exclusively for community use:
2 ebikes, located near the entrance to Inov-8, are available to rent, complete with helmets, bags and locks, for as little as £2 per hour, 24/7, 365 days/year. We hope to add a trailer to the fleet shortly, to give more carrying options, with guidance and training if you need it. We already offer “buddying” if needed and give everyone a chance to try out the bikes under supervision for free.
The ebikes can help you lower your carbon footprint, offer sustainable travel options to go shopping, out for the evening, enjoy a ride with friends / family or get a bit of exercise at lunchtime – and all without breaking into a sweat!
We need feedback about the current scheme, and what improvements might encourage people to sign-up. We have compiled a brief questionnaire which shouldn’t take more than 5 minutes to complete but will be very useful.
All completed entries will be entered into a PRIZE DRAW to win 2 x 4 hours free use of the ebikes.
Thank you for your help, in anticipation!
1.Were you already aware of Staveley Community Ebike share scheme?
2.The current membership tariffs are designed for individuals. The rates are:

·       £50 for a year’s membership (then £2/hour to rent a bike)

·       £25 for 6 month’s membership (then £3/hour)

·       £15 for a month (then £5/hour)

Do these rates sound:
3.If you think the membership rates were too expensive or too cheap what do you think we should charge instead? Eg. for a year’s membership?
4.If we removed the £15 sign-up fee from the £5/hour tariff, might it tempt you to give the bikes a try?
5.We are considering different kinds of membership – would you be interested in any of these?
Don't know
Household (include all over 16 year old members of a household)
Friends (group of up to 3 friends sharing membership)
Visitors (of friends, family)
6.If you don’t intend to join, what’s putting you off, or what would tempt you to join?
7.Are there any other suggestions for how we could improve the scheme in general?
8.That's it - you've finished! MANY THANKS for completing our survey. Please  tick below if you would like to be entered into the prize draw  (& don't forget to click DONE when finished to submit your answers!)
Current Progress,
0 of 8 answered