Key Information

Please complete the form, ensuring that you abide by the word limits specified. By completing the form you are confirming that you are happy for us to submit this information to The Earthshot Prize and that everything contained in this application is true and correct to the best of your knowledge at the time of submission.

Nomination Process:
  1. Following this survey, the Commonwealth Blue Charter team will review your details.
  2. Should you be selected, you will receive a link from The Earthshot Prize to provide further details about your solution.
  3. After you have submitted your information, the Commonwealth Blue Charter team will review your completed form and will notify you if selected for nomination.

Please note that completion of this survey does not guarantee nomination by the Commonwealth Secretariat. We will conduct rigorous due diligence and analysis prior to nomination.

If you have any questions, please contact us at with a clearly labelled subject line titled 'Earthshot Prize 2025 query'.

Kindly note that due to the high level of interest, we are unable to respond to all submissions but will only contact those that we take forward. The deadline for application to the Secretariat is 25 November 2024.

Question Title

* 1. Solution name

What is the name of the solution you are nominating? For example: Freetown the Tree town / Lanzatech

This is the name that will be used to identify the nomination throughout the selection process. Usually, it's the name of the specific product or initiative that you are nominating. It could also just be the name of the organisation if you are nominating them for all their work. Please ensure it is clear and that the nominee can easily identify what exactly is being nominated.

We recommend you do NOT use a generic description that could apply to multiple nominations.

Question Title

* 2. Organisation name

For solutions that are a specific product or an initiative within an organisation, please provide the name of the organisation that owns the product or runs the initiative. If the organisation is the solution, please re-enter the solution name? For example: the ‘Freetown the tree town’ initiative is run by Freetown City Council.

Question Title

* 3. Innovation Organisation Location Headquarters

Country or Territory of primary operating activities

Question Title

* 4. Short description of solution/initiative (25 words)

Please provide a short, clear description of what the nomination is. For example, ‘a project to grow corals in the Caribbean’ or ‘a city-wide network of local food waste hubs’, or ‘a young innovator who has created a solar ironing cart’.

Any words above this limit will NOT be included on the final application.

Question Title

* 5. Organisation type (please select one)

Please identify whether the nominee is an individual or group, and the type of group/organisation.

Question Title

* 6. Primary Earthshot

Question Title

* 7. Secondary Earthshot (optional)

Question Title

* 8. Cross-Cutting Enablers (optional)

Approaches and tools that can accelerate the environmental improvements we seek without being specific to any single Earthshot.

We call them the cross-cutting enablers, and when adopted by innovators and their supporters, they could rapidly accelerate our mission to achieve the Earthshots.

Question Title

* 9. Why do you think this solution should win The Earthshot Prize?

Question Title

* 10. Why do you think this solution is amongst the best in comparison to other solutions that are doing similar things?

Question Title

* 11. Generic Email for Organisation (optional)

Question Title

* 12. Primary contact for the nominated solution

This should be the main person who leads the solution and who would accept the Prize if this nomination should win. For example, the founder or CEO.

Question Title

* 13. Secondary Point of Contact

This is an additional person within the organisation that we can contact and receive from communication from us.