Due date: Friday, September 16, 2022

The First Alaskans Institute (FAI) Elders & Youth Conference will take place October 16-19, 2022, at the Dena'ina Center in Anchorage, Alaska. Drumming and singing are vital to our ways of life and will be used to celebrate being together in person and to lift up those that have been on the front lines of the pandemic. This call for dance groups and performers is for groups and individuals wishing to share their Indigenous cultures and languages via dance or other mediums. Groups and performers will be included in the daytime agenda at various times (8:30am, 1:00pm, 4:30pm), as well as an opportunity to perform during Chin'an: A Night of Cultural Celebration (7-9:30pm) on Monday, October 17, 2022.

Please note the following:
  • We prefer groups that have youth of all ages, intergenerational dancers.
  • If your group is selected, we will offer an honorarium following your performance (dependent upon a completed W-9 & an ACH form) in appreciation of your group's time and participation at the conference. 
  • We DO NOT provide travel or accommodation funds, however, we would happily provide letters of support for any fundraising the group will do in order to participate.
  • We cannot store drums or other items overnight - all performers must bring what they need for the performance, in and out of the dressing rooms provided.  
Submission of the following information is not a guarantee of selection or performance. If selected, your group will be contacted by the conference organizers to finalize your group's ability to participate and the specific time, although we do work with groups to determine availability. The Elders & Youth is available via webcast. Sharing during the Elders & Youth is a great way to share your culture. 

For more information, please contact us at leadership@firstalaskans.org or call 907-677-1700.

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* 1. Please share the following:

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* 2. Indigenous Cultural Affiliation of dance group or performer:

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* 3. Short description of dance group or performance, this may be read to the audience before your performance:

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* 4. Additional comments and information we should know: