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* 1. We appreciate your participation in the FAST Adult Transition Program. The future of an individual with Angelman Syndrome can be uncertain, and we at FAST hope to have provided information that can be used as a starting point to assist in making the transition a little more manageable. Your input on the services you received will help FAST further tailor this program to support other AS families. We have 10 survey questions for you, and we sincerely appreciate your input and participation.

As we begin the survey, FAST would like to know some general information about your family supported by our Adult Transition Program.

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* 3. What is the genotype of your child with Angelman Syndrome?

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* 4. Which of the following area(s) of your child entering adulthood was the Adult Transition Consultant able to help you with? Please check all that apply.

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* 5. Which of the following area(s) of your child entering adulthood was the Adult Transition Consultant NOT able to help you with and you feel you still need assistance? Please check all that apply.

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* 6. Overall, how prepared do you feel as the parent/caregiver to navigate the resources and options as your child transitions to adulthood after visiting with our Adult Transition Consultant?

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* 7. FAST is excited to support to our families during this transition period and hopeful that these services meet all or most of your needs for your child's transition to adulthood. While this is our goal, we would appreciate your candid response on how well the Adult Transition services met your needs and the next few questions will address this.

After your Adult Transition services ended, did you need further consultant services?

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* 8. Which Adult Transition consultant assisted your family?

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* 9. Please share your assessment of the services you received from the FAST Adult Transition consultant?

  Not helpful at all Somewhat helpful Helpful Very helpful
The consultant was timely and responsive to reaching out to meeting my family
The information packet was helpful and relevant to my child's needs
The consultant was timely and responsive in preparing me for federal deadline requirements
The consultant made me feel confident to navigate the Adult Transition process
The consultant was competent and addressed our needs
This Adult Transition program is...

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* 10. Do you have any other constructive feedback that you feel would be helpful to share with FAST and/or the Adult Transition consultant that will help further develop this program?

0 of 10 answered