School expectations

The East Windsor Public Schools annual independent survey of expectations and experiences is a chance for you as an invested community member to share your insight on school priorities, perceptions, and initiatives.
As a parent or guardian, a teacher or staff member, a student, or a resident of town, your perspective on the state of East Windsor's public schools is valuable. Please take a few moments to share your perspective on the state of our schools.

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1. How important is the ability of teachers to challenge students of all learning levels and abilities?

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2. How important is the physical condition of a school building/facility in relation to student learning?

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3. How important is it for teachers and other adults in a school to know the children in their class on a personal level?

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4. How important is it for schools to provide tutors, school interventionists, and reading specialists to students?

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5. How important is the inclusion of arts programs (visual and performing) in the school day?

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6. How important is the inclusion of music and chorus programs in the school day?

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7. How important are after school activities, sports, and clubs for students?

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8. How important are field trips in the education of a student?

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9. How important is school-to-home communications to you?

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10. How satisfied are you with the ability of your child's teachers to challenge your student at his or her learning level?

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11. How well do the teachers and other adults at your child's school know your child?

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12. How satisfied are you with the number of tutors, school interventionists, and reading specialists available to your child in school?

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13. How satisfied are you with the arts programs available in the East Windsor public schools?

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14. How satisfied are you with the world languages programs available in the East Windsor public schools?

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15. How satisfied are you with the music and chorus programs available in the East Windsor public schools?

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16. How satisfied are you with the after school activities, sports, clubs, and other programs available to your child in the East Windsor public schools?

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17. How would you rate the physical condition of East Windsor's athletic facilities at the high school and middle school level?

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18. How would you rate the physical condition of East Windsor's educational facilities (campus, buildings, etc)?

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19. How satisfied are you with the number of field trips and other out-of-school learning opportunities available to your child in the East Windsor public schools?

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20. How satisfied are you with two-way communications between you, your child, and your child's school?