Intern Performance Review 2016

Thank you in advance for completing this internship performance review on your summer 2016 intern.  This form is used to evaluate all 141 Hart Hospitality Interns around the globe tin creating an aggregate profile as requested by the senior administration. Please direct any issues or questions about the evaluation tool to Reg at or call me at 540 383 6541.  Continued success to you and your organization.

Question Title

* 1. Please select the intern you are evaluating

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* 2. Your assessment of the intern qualities, characteristics and attributes.

  Exceeds expectations Meets expectations Does not meet expectations Not able to assess
Quality of  Work
Exercises Good Judgement
Work Attendance
Followed Company Policies and Guidelines
Oral Communication Skills
Written Communication Skills
Ability to Think Critically and Solve Problems
Sense of Responsibility
Shows a Positive Attitude
Organizational Skills
Possess Leadership Qualities
Exercises Ethical Conduct
Dependability to Complete Given Tasks
Level of Time Management Skills
OVERALL Performance

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* 3. Please list 2-3 strengths of this intern.

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* 4. What are specific areas for improvement for this intern ?

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* 5. What are the skills an entry level manager needs to possess  to be successful in  your organization/

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* 6. Hypothetically, if you had an opening within your department would you consider hiring him/her for the position? This is not an offer to hire and your answer does not imply any obligation regarding you or your organization.

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* 7. Please complete the demographic information about you and the organization.

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* 8. As we look to the summer of 2017 would you consider sponsoring another JMU Hospitality Intern (s) ?

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* 9. Any additional comments you would like to share about your experience with the Hart Hospitality internship program at James Madison University