The EU Delegation to Namibia gathers the firms' input to foster EU–Namibia economic relations and frame the EU-Namibia Business Forum. Your replies will reinforce public private dialogue and EU economic diplomacy in Namibia. 
We are committed to protect your data and to respect your privacy. The Trade and Private Sector Facility collects and processes these replies pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2018/1725 of the EU Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2018 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data by the Union institutions, bodies, offices and agencies and on the free movement of such data (repealing Regulation (EC) No 45/2001).Therefore we ensure that all responses are kept confidential. Data will only be presented in aggregated form (i.e. all data compiled) and firms cannot be identified. 

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1. Introduction

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4. How do you describe your economic impact ?

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6. What took you to Namibia?

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7. The importance of the Namibian market for your business is currently

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8. The importance of the SADC market for your business is currently

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9. How do you see the Namibian market in the next 5 years?

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10. In terms of access to finance (both working capital and capital investments) what it is your main source of capital?

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11. What challenges do you face in doing business, investing or trading in Namibia?

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12. How do you classify the following aspects according to the restriction they represent to your business? Class them from high impact (1) to low impact (12).

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13. What concrete steps could the EU take to improve the business environment and increase EU-Namibia exchanges? Please tell us if there is a particular topic you think a EU-Namibia Business Forum should cover

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14. Would you be interested in a side-event at the EU-Namibia Business Forum discussing business opportunities along the raw materials value chain?

Thank you for completing the survey. Just click "Done" below to submit your replies.
Your input will help to  better tailor the EU-Namibia Business Forum and the public-private dialogue.
For further information on this survey, please contact the EU Delegation to Namibia at