With the market expected to have slow growth in 2025, taking share to achieve your goals is critical. Capturing sales will take "all hands on deck" and that means increasing sales capacity, cost-effectively.

Leading distributors recognize that to do this they need to deploy technology effectively to improve processes while launching helping their inside sales team be able to reach deeper into accounts.

Prokeep, a leader in text management and customer engagement has asked Channel Marketing Group to inquire about the importance of demand generation for distributors and the deployment of digital initiatives to improve sales processes that help generate incremental sales capacity ... and productivity.

If you can share 3-5 minutes, we'll aggregate industry input and be able to share an advance copy of a research report with ideas to drive 2025 sales.

Question Title

* 1. How would you rate the importance of outbound/proactive sales activities to achieving your company's 2025 revenue and profitability goals?

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* 2. Does your inside sales and marketing teams engage in outbound sales activities? (Please Select one)

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* 3. What are the top two (2) goals of your outbound sales activities? (Select all that apply)

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* 4. What challenges do you face in managing outbound sales activities? (Select all that apply)

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* 5. Does your team currently manage or track outbound sales activities? If so how? (Select only one.)