2019 is a critical year for the Student Support Academic Enrichment (SSAE) grant program under Title IV, Part A of ESSA. Congress has recognized the importance of this program by providing $1.1 billion in federal Fiscal Year (FY) 2018 and another $1.17 billion in FY 2019 to districts to support safe and healthy schools, a well-rounded curriculum, and the effective use of technology. The federal fiscal year 2018 (FY18) funds are currently in schools for the 2018-19 school year. The federal FY19 funds will be in schools during the 2019-20 school year.    

There is strong bipartisan support for this program, but it is still new and there is not a clear understanding of how school leaders are using the funds at the district and/or school level.

Your voice is critical. This national survey builds upon the 2018 survey to tell a story about the use of those funds over time. Congress relies on these stories to understand the benefit to students and to justify continued support for Title IV-A.  

The survey takes less than 5 minutes. Thank you for your time and thoughtful participation.

Question Title

* 1. Are you familiar with the way that your district is investing its share of ESSA Title IV-A funding?

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* 2. Did your district receive more or less than $30,000 in Title IV-A for FY2018? (FY2018 aligns with the current 2018-2019 school year). More than $30,000 triggers the needs assessment requirement and the distribution of investments across the grant’s three spending categories.

Question Title

* 3. Consider the needs of your district during THIS SCHOOL YEAR, 2018-2019. In your opinion, how would you rate the importance of the three investment categories during this school year?

  Not important Somewhat important Important Very important Extremely important
Well-rounded education
Safe and healthy students
The effective use of technology

Question Title

* 4. Consider the needs of your district over THE FORESEEABLE FUTURE (assume the next five years). In your opinion, how would you rate the importance of the three investment categories in THE FORESEEABLE FUTURE?

  Not important Somewhat important Important Very important Extremely important
Well-rounded education
Safe and healthy students
The effective use of technology

Question Title

* 5. How is your district using the Title IV-A grant in the current 2018-2019 school year to support WELL-ROUNDED EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES? Check all that apply.

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* 6. How is your district using the Title IV-A funds in the current 2018-2019 school year to support SAFE AND HEALTHY STUDENTS? Check all that apply.

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* 7. How is your district using the Title IV-A grant in the current 2018-2019 school year to support the EFFECTIVE USE OF TECHNOLOGY? Check all that apply.

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* 8. When planning to use Title IV-A funds, is your district making efforts to ensure that the activities, strategies, or interventions purchased with the funds are EVIDENCE-BASED, as defined by ESSA?

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* 9. Did your district transfer Title IV-A funds to a different program for this school year, 2018-2019?

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* 10. If "Yes" above, to which account did your district transfer Title IV-A funds? Check all that apply.

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* 12. You are in an elevator with a member of Congress. In just a few sentences, what would you tell them about the importance of continuing the federal investment to support safe and healthy schools, a well-rounded curriculum, and the effective use of technology?

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* 15. About your district

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* 16. Estimated enrollment

The 2019 National Title IV-A survey is issued to members of AASA, ASBO International, AESA, NAFEPA — those who are making Title IV-A a success. The survey was developed with the support of the national Title IV-A Coalition and Whiteboard Advisors.