This survey is for those who have visited an Emergency Room or Urgent Care Facility during an impending or full blown Adrenal Crisis. For the best results, please answer questions carefully especially 10 and 11. AIU will keep your answers anonymous................Please don't fill this out unless you or your loved one has been seen in an Emergency Room Setting during and impending or full blown adrenal crisis.

Question Title

* 1. On who's behalf, are you filling out this survey. (please fill out for one person only)

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* 2. How old is the subject of this survey? (the person you are answering the questions about)

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* 3. How many times has this person been to an Emergency Room during an impending or full blown adrenal crisis?

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* 4. How many times was the emergency glucocorticoid prescribed by your physician given prior to arrival at the ER?

Solu-Cortef® Solu-Medrol® etc?

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* 5. From the time crisis symptoms began, how long was it until you or your loved one arrived at the Emergency Room?

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* 6. If you did not arrive at the Emergency Room within 30 minutes of the onset adrenal crisis symptoms, please tell us why? (check all that apply)

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* 7. How many times did you arrive at the Emergency Room via ambulance?

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* 8. Thinking of each time an Emergency Room visit was necessary.......How many times did ER Personal have knowledge of Adrenal Insufficiency and understand that immediate action was necessary?

Question Title

* 9. How long did it take for ER Personnel to administer treatment for you or your loved ones adrenal crisis?


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* 10. STOP...please read carefully.....Only answer this question if it took more than 30 minutes for you to receive treatment in the ER..........When treatment for the adrenal crisis WAS NOT GIVEN within 30 minutes upon arrival at the Emergency Room how long did you or your loved one remain in the hospital? (If you answer this question please skip question 11....go directly to question 12)

Question Title

* 11. STOP please read carefully.....Only answer this question if you received treatment within 30 minutes! When treatment for the adrenal crisis WAS GIVEN within 30 minutes upon arrival at the Emergency Room how long did you or your loved one remain in the hospital?

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* 12. What were the factors that you believe helped in receiving treatment in the Emergency Room? (indicate all that apply)

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* 13. If you or your loved one was not treated by the Emergency Room for the Adrenal Crisis what was done to stop the crisis?

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* 14. If you or your loved one has been at more than one hospital for crisis were your experiences at each hospital the same or different? (indicate all that apply)

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* 15. Did the adrenal crisis cause any short/long term affects from the crisis? (indicate how long the affects lasted)

Please answer questions about disability based on disability caused by an Adrenal Crisis only. Do not answer based on a pre-existing disability even if you feel that Adrenal Insufficiency is the caused of it. This survey is just about outcomes from Emergency Room treatment.

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* 16. If you or your loved one suffered any short or long term effects from crisis please indicate the type here.

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* 17. Were any additional doctor visits, including physical therapy or other specialty therapies that were REQUIRED DUE TO THE AFFECTS OF THE ADRENAL CRISIS?
(please indicate the types of treatment needed)

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* 18. Has your family been impacted financially due to an Adrenal Crisis?

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* 19. If the adrenal crisis caused short or long term disability for you or your loved one, were funds available to pay the extra costs involved?

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* 20. Please put my name in the drawing for a free Adrenal Insufficiency Awareness Pin. We need your email or phone number.