Please keep in mind these key terms as you provide feedback:
Intersectionality is a framework for understanding the interconnected nature of social categorizations (such as gender, race, ethnicity, class, disability, sexuality, and more) and their relationship to overlapping and interdependent systems of power, privilege, and oppression.
Equity is defined broadly as the provision of the resources and opportunities that each person needs based on their individual circumstances, in order to reach equal outcomes for all.
Entrepreneurship can involve sensu stricto, starting a company, or sensu lato, entrepreneurial activity, which includes many components of academic commercialization, especially those that incorporate planning for business applications.
Commercialization is the process of transferring potential and actual intellectual property and related technology/intellectual assets to third parties for use in improving existing products and services or as the basis for new ones (Schelhorn & Herbers, 2022).