Allow enough residential construction to keep up with population growth?
Create homes that are affordable and suitable for all stages of life (e.g., starter homes, family homes, senior living, multi-generational homes)?
Produce high-quality, well-designed buildings (homes, offices, stores)?
Result in infill/redevelopment that fits the scale and character of existing neighborhoods?
Create neighborhoods that are easy to get around and connected to other neighborhoods and places to shop, eat, and meet basic needs?
Create commercial and mixed-use areas that are easy to get around and connected to nearby neighborhoods?
Create places that feel safe walking, using a mobility device (e.g., wheelchair), or riding a bike?
Result in adequate public parks and open space?
Create connections between neighborhoods and open space?
Protect working farms, ranches, and agricultural areas from redevelopment?
Provide adequate protection for the County’s historic structures and resources?
Regulate outdoor lighting to keep the County dark enough to see the night sky?
Provide sufficient landscaping?