
And thank you for participating in the Pathology community's only independent Worldwide Directory of Pathologists. Accessible from our website, you can quickly learn about any pathologist who has sent us their information.

This database is only for Pathologists - including Residents and Fellows. If you would like to know more about the Directory, see our FAQ's here.
Your data will be reviewed by our staff before posting. Currently, the anticipated turnaround time to review and post data is 3-4 business days.

The initial part of the entry form should take about five minutes to complete, but optional sections may take extra time.  

In addition to a copy of a recent photo of yourself (optional but encouraged), you will want to be ready to respond with answers for (but not limited to):
  • Name
  • Degree
  • Email
  • Title
  • Country 
  • Institution
  • Subspeciality
Once your listing is live, changes can be submitted by clicking here, or emailing your changes to: Directory@pathologyoutlines.com. These links are also available on the Directory Homepage.
Questions with asterisks (*) require a response.

Click the blue "Next" button to get started!
10% of survey complete.