Participant Information Sheet

Purpose of the Research
We invite you to participate in a study being conducted by the University of Wollongong (UOW) to explore sexual quality of life and how do Arab, Chinese and Indian patients with chronic condition want information? We understand that this may be a topic that you do not generally talk about however this is a very important topic and the information you provide will help us to develop resources and support strategies for Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) patients with Chronic Condition.

Correspondent Researches                                                                                                        
Dr. Ibrahim Alananzeh, School of Nursing, UOW, 02 8763 6081,
Professor Ritin Fernandez, School of Nursing, UOW, 02 9113 1200,

Methods and Demands on Participants
You are being invited to participate in this study because you are from one of our targeted cultural backgrounds (Arabic, Chinese or Indian).   If you decide to take part in the research project, you will be asked to answer an anonymous survey (online) asking about sexual Quality of Life (QoL), sexuality Needs, information and barriers to discuss sexuality with health care providers. If you have any question prior to completing the survey please contact the research team.   Most questions require you to circle a response and completing the survey will take approximately 20-25 minutes of your time. The survey can be completed in Arabic, Chinese or English and the researcher or a family member can help you to complete it.
17% of survey complete.