Exit this survey AOS3 - Using Language to Persuade - Speech Question Title * 1. Student's first name Question Title * 2. Student's last name Question Title * 3. Name of English class ENG331A - Mr Shane Murphy ENG331C - Mr Ross Wise ENG331D - Mr Peter Joyce ENG331E - Mr Shane Murphy ENG331F - Mr Ross Wise ENG331G - Mr Joseph Magee ENG331H - Mr Peter Joyce ENV331A - Mr Michael Busscher Question Title * 4. Speech Issue Drugs in sport. Asylum seekers in Australia The legalisation of illicit drugs The threat of terrorism: freedom at the expense of security Westerners joining terrorist groups The Death Penalty and the Bali 9 Cruelty to animals: live baiting Domestic violence offenders list Indigenous recognition in the Australian Constitution Other (please specify) Question Title * 5. Statement of your contention Your statement of contention was clear. You clearly stated your contention. Your statement of contention could have been clearer. You really need the audience to know exactly what you are going to persuade them about Additional comment Question Title * 6. Arguments You presented complex ideas in a sustained, coherent and logical argument. You presented a sustained, coherent and logical argument. You presented an argument which was generally sustained and coherent. You presented a superficial argument which needed more depth. Your speech had little sense of argument. Additional Comment Question Title * 7. Acknowledgement of Sources Accurate and detailed acknowledgment of sources where appropriate. Acknowledgment of sources where appropriate. Acknowledgment of some sources where appropriate. Limited acknowledgment of sources. Little or no acknowledgment of sources. You needed to acknowledge the source of your information when you state a fact or statistic. Question Title * 8. Oral Language Conventions You skillfully used highly appropriate oral language conventions to engage the audience. You used appropriate oral language conventions to engage the audience. You used some appropriate oral language conventions to engage the audience. You showed a variable ability to use oral language conventions to engage the audience You showed a limited use of oral language conventions to engage an audience Additional comment Question Title * 9. Your voice Good volume and projection of your voice. Great projection of your voice. Nice use of voice to engage the audience. Your volume could have been a little louder at times. We want to hear what you have to say! Your volume was good but you needed to vary the tone of your voice more. You paced your delivery well. You spoke a little too quickly at the start of your speech. You needed to consider the pace of your delivery. You spoke a little to quickly in parts. You paused in several sections which helped emphasise your point. You could have paused more to help emphasise your point. Additional comment Question Title * 10. Your body language Nice body language – great eye contact and gestures. Good body language but you needed to make sure you made eye contact with the audience. Good eye contact with the audience but you needed to use more hand gestures. Nice hand gestures but you needed to make eye contact with the audience more. Know your speech – you relied on your notes too much. You needed to look at the audience more. You had an interesting speech but you just read it. You needed to look at your audience much more. Great posture Good posture You needed to pay more attention to your posture while you are presenting. Presentation – nice and neat. Personal appearance – V. smart You needed to make sure your uniform is worn correctly. Additional comment Question Title * 11. Bibliography You submitted a bibliography. You need to submit a bibliography. Additional comment Question Title * 12. Time: Question Title * 13. Comment: Done