Dear Colleagues,

We are running an engagement survey to measure the degree to which employees feel valued at the organization. This exercise will help us determine the satisfaction level of our employees and improve on areas that may lead to disengagement and consequent declined performance outcome.

Question Title

* 1. Employee Satisfaction

  Yes No
Do you feel excited about coming to work?
Are you proud of working for eStream Networks?
Do you feel like you are qualified with your current role?
Are you proud of working for eStream Networks?
Do you find your work for meaningful @ eStream Networks
Do you see yourself working @ eStream Networks through 2023
Would you like to have a neater kitchenete in the workplace
Do you feel aligned with the company goals
Do you understand how your role correlates to the company’s success
Has anyone at the company asked about and expressed support for your career goals?

Question Title

* 2. Manager/Supervisor Evaluation

  Yes No
Does your Line Manager effectively communicate the information you need to understand?
Does your Line Manager explain the reasons behind decisions made that affect the work.
Does your Line Manager clearly communicate changes to company policies?
Are you satisfied with your relationship with your immediate supervisor
Do you feel comfortable raising concerns or ideas with your supervisor?
Does your Line Manager clearly communicate your performance expectations?

Question Title

* 3. Learning and Development

  Yes No
Does eStream Networks offers enough training opportunities to keep my knowledge and skills up to date.
Do you pursue learning opportunities on your own ?
Does my job enable me to learn and develop new skills?
Is eStream Networks a great company to make contribution to my career advance?
Does eStream e-Learning platform offer the right training that suit my Job?
Do you have the tools needed to maximize your potential here

Question Title

* 4. Teamwork

  Yes No
Do you enjoy working with your current team?
Do you feel connected to your coworkers?
Do you collaborate with other departments to achieve targeted results?
Do you perceive a level of trust within your peer relationships?                         

Question Title

* 5. Toxicity

  Yes No
Do you get burnout on your day to day activities?
Do you feel there's Office Politics @eStream Networks?
Do you think that one reason people take sick days is to take a break from their Line Manager
Is there lack of transparency from top leadership to the Mid-level within the organization 
Does false accusations or rumors negatively impact the leadership decision making process.
If a Line Manager is corrupt, will the  subordinates  mirror the behavior.
Do you think talking behind others back can affect the organization's ability to lead effectively.

Question Title

* 6. Work-Life Balance

  Yes No
Are you satisfied with your current work hours?
Are you often stressed with deadlines and workloads?
Are you satisfied with the current Hybrid schedule?
Do you frequently take work back home?

Question Title

* 7. Work Culture

  Yes No
Do you enjoy our company’s culture?
Do you feel respected and safe at work?
Do you understand the strategic goals at eStream Networks?
Do you feel your manager is interested in your progress?
Do you feel the organization’s values are reflected in its policies and practices?
Do you feel safe and respected when sharing your ideas and opinions?
Do you feel the Management team is transparent?
Would you like if the Management organize a culture retreat

Question Title

* 8. Effective Communication

  Yes No
Are you satisfied  with the company’s internal communication?
Does your Line Manager provide adequate information about your progress in your job?
Does the organization provide adequate information about its policies and goals that align with your deliverable?
Do you feel like the company listens to your concerns?

Question Title

* 9. What else would you like HR department to improve within the system?