Welcome, Village of Empire community.

Thank you for taking this questionnaire to inform the Village of Empire Master Plan Update. We are glad you are here. Thank you for sharing your time and ideas with us.

This questionnaire is meant to be taken by individually (not as a couple, family, or group) and is completely anonymous. There are 16 questions in total, all of which are optional.

Please complete this questionnaire by Sunday, August 11. Questions? Please contact Elise Crafts at elise@placecraftmi.com or (231) 313-7116.

Brad Lonberger, Consultant
Carey Ford, Planning Commission
Chris Webb, Village Council
Elise Crafts, Consultant
Jill Ferrari, Consultant
Maggie Bacon, Planning Commission and Village Council
Margaret Elibee, Planning Commission
Meg Walton, Village Council
Shannon Morgan, Consultant