Continuing Certification: Integrating Assessment, Learning and Improvement

Keith J. Mann, MD Med
Vice President, Continuing Certification
American Board of Pediatrics
Professor of Pediatrics
University of Missouri - Kansas City School of Medicine

1. Describe the role of the American Board of Pediatrics in self-regulation
2. Describe the different components of continuing certification and how the ABP is working to better integrate them
3. List 3 recent improvements in Continuing Certification
4. Understand how the ABP is integrating health equity into its program for Continuing Certification

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* 1. Did the presentation meet your expectations of the following (select all that apply):

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* 2. After viewing this webinar, how likely are you to recommend this to a friend or colleague?

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* 3. How will attending this webinar affect your future practice? Please select from following (Multiple choice)

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* 4. Was the webinar free from commercial bias?

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* 5. Please state what topics you would like to see discussed.

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* 6. Please share any comments about the webinar. 

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* 7. The following 3 questions are scored for your CME credit:
What are the requirements for a CME activity also count for MOC Part 2 credit?

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* 8. Which of the following is NOT true about MOCA-Peds?

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* 9. Which of the following is the most common way pediatricians and pediatric subspecialists get Part 4 credit?

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* 10. Name

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* 11. Email Address

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* 12. For CME recording please enter your NPI number below:

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* 13. For ABP MOC 2 credit, please enter your ABP ID here: