Your feedback is very important.

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* 1. Which building do you attend?

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* 2. There is an adult in my life that cares about my future.

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* 3. I can think of many ways to get good grades.

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* 4. I have at least one goal that I am trying to reach.

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* 5. I feel safe at school.

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* 6. I am good at solving problems.

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* 7. I know that I will graduate from high school.

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* 8. I know that I will find a good job after I graduate.

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* 9. I have a best friend at school.

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* 10. My teachers make me feel that my school work is important.

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* 11. How much time do you spend on homework every night?

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* 12. At my school, I have the opportunity to be successful every day.

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* 13. In the last week, I have been praised for my work.

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* 14. Everyone at my school helps me to do my best.

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* 15. I have at least one teacher that makes me excited about the future.

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* 16. Were you treated with respect at school yesterday?

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* 17. Do you enjoy school?

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* 18. Did you learn or do something interesting yesterday?

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* 19. Do you have enough energy to complete your work?

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* 20. If you are in trouble, do you have family or friends that you will help you?

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* 21. I am involved in at least one extra-curricular activity, such as sports, band, 4-H/FFA, archery, etc.